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Understanding Narcissistic Behavior: How They Control You (Part 2)

Understanding Narcissistic Behavior: How They Control You (Part 2)

Danielle A. Calise

Have you ever felt like someone in your life constantly pulled the strings, leaving you feeling powerless and confused? Understanding how narcissists control others can bring a sense of relief and empowerment, helping you recognize the signs of manipulation and protect yourself from emotional abuse. This knowledge can shift the power dynamics in your relationships and boost your self-esteem.

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In this article, we'll explore the psychology behind narcissistic control and help you identify its presence in your relationships. You'll learn about the tactics narcissists use to maintain their grip on others, such as gaslighting and hoovering. We'll also discuss the power of setting healthy boundaries to regain your personal power and self-respect. By the end, you'll be better equipped to handle narcissistic behavior and boost your self-confidence.

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The Psychology Behind Narcissistic Control

To understand narcissistic behavior, you need to delve into the complex psychology that drives their need for control. This behavior stems from deep-rooted insecurities and a fragile sense of self-worth, leading to a constant pursuit of validation and admiration.

Fear of Abandonment

Contrary to popular belief, narcissists don't fear abandonment in the traditional sense. Instead, they're terrified of losing their source of supply – the attention and admiration they crave. Their disorder steers them to obtain, keep, and use up as much supply as possible. This fear isn't about emotional connection but about maintaining their inflated self-image.

Fragile Self-Esteem

Narcissists possess what researchers call "fragile high self-esteem." This form of self-esteem is highly dependent on external validation and self-deception. It's characterized by:

  1. Defensiveness
  2. Constant validation-seeking
  3. Unwillingness to learn from mistakes
  4. A sense of superiority and entitlement

This fragility leads to a cycle of seeking admiration, experiencing temporary highs, and then crashing when the validation wears off.

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Need for Admiration

The narcissist's craving for admiration is insatiable. They view themselves as superior to others, often believing they're "gods among men." This inflated self-perception drives them to:

  • Expect constant praise and gratitude
  • Prioritize their needs above others
  • Avoid emotional pain at all costs
  • Maintain a facade of perfection

This relentless quest for admiration often results in superficial connections and toxic relationships, leaving others feeling used and emotionally drained.

Identifying Narcissistic Control in Relationships

It's crucial to recognize the tactics narcissists use to manipulate and dominate their partners. By being aware of these signs, you can protect yourself and maintain your independence, even in the face of relentless criticism or emotional manipulation.

Excessive Criticism

Narcissists often employ relentless criticism to undermine your self-esteem. They may start with subtle jabs, gradually escalating to outright personal attacks. This criticism isn't constructive; it's aimed at diminishing your self-worth. You might hear comments like, "You're too sensitive," or "You can't do anything right." Over time, this constant negativity can lead to self-doubt and anxiety, making you more susceptible to their control.

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Emotional Manipulation

Emotional manipulation is a cornerstone of narcissistic control. Tactics like gaslighting, where they deny your reality or twist facts, can leave you questioning your own perceptions. They might use emotional blackmail, leveraging guilt or fear to coerce you into compliance. Triangulation is another common strategy, bringing a third party into your dynamic to create insecurity or competition. Be wary if your partner frequently compares you unfavorably to others or uses others' opinions to invalidate your feelings.

Financial Control

Financial abuse is a powerful tool in a narcissist's arsenal. They might insist on controlling all financial aspects, from bank accounts to credit cards, limiting your financial independence. Some narcissists create debt in your name, maxing out credit cards or taking out loans without your knowledge. Others might sabotage your career prospects, making you more financially dependent on them. If you find yourself having to ask permission for basic purchases or justify every expense, it's a red flag of financial control.

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How Narcissists Maintain Control

Intermittent Reinforcement

Narcissists employ a powerful tactic known as intermittent reinforcement to keep you under their control. This strategy involves alternating between affection and cruelty, creating an addictive cycle that keeps you hooked. You might experience brief moments of kindness or love followed by extended periods of neglect or abuse. This unpredictable pattern makes you crave the narcissist's approval, constantly hoping for those rare positive interactions.

The effects of intermittent reinforcement are profound. It alters your brain chemistry, creating a biochemical addiction to the narcissist. You may find yourself tolerating increasingly negative behavior, always holding out hope for those fleeting moments of affection. This cycle strengthens the trauma bond, making it incredibly difficult for you to leave the relationship.

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Smear Campaigns

When narcissists feel threatened or perceive a loss of control, they often resort to smear campaigns. These are calculated attempts to damage your reputation and credibility. The narcissist might spread false information about you to friends, family, or colleagues, painting themselves as the victim and you as the aggressor.

Smear campaigns serve multiple purposes for the narcissist:

  1. Maintaining their public image
  2. Preemptively discrediting you
  3. Isolating you from potential support systems

You may find yourself constantly defending your character or struggling to maintain relationships as the narcissist works to undermine your credibility.

Trauma Bonding

Trauma bonding is a psychological attachment that forms between you and the narcissist through cycles of abuse. This bond is strengthened by the power imbalance in the relationship and the intermittent nature of the abuse. You might find yourself feeling emotionally connected to the narcissist despite the harm they cause.

Signs of trauma bonding include:

  1. Feeling stuck in the relationship
  2. Constantly walking on eggshells
  3. Believing the narcissist is fundamentally good
  4. Investing heavily in the relationship with little return

This powerful emotional attachment makes it challenging for you to recognize the abuse and leave the relationship, further solidifying the narcissist's control over you.

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Strategies for Regaining Personal Power

Gray Rock Method

To regain control in interactions with a narcissist, you can employ the gray rock method. This technique involves deliberately acting unresponsive or unengaged to make the abusive person lose interest in you. By withholding emotional reactions, you deprive the narcissist of the drama they thrive on. Implement this strategy by avoiding eye contact, giving short answers, and focusing on other things during conversations. While it can be emotionally draining, the gray rock method can help you disengage and protect yourself from manipulation.

No Contact Rule

Implementing the no-contact rule is a crucial step in reclaiming your well-being. This involves blocking the narcissist on all communication channels, including phone numbers, email, and social media. Don't notify them of your decision; simply make it and follow through. Be prepared for potential retaliation or attempts to regain control through tactics like hoovering or guilt-tripping. Stay strong by educating yourself on narcissistic behaviors and focusing on self-care.

Therapy and Healing

Seeking professional help is vital for recovery from narcissistic abuse. Trauma-informed care and various therapeutic approaches can aid in healing. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps address negative self-perceptions and anxiety resulting from the relationship. Trauma-focused CBT educates you about trauma and develops coping skills. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) assists in processing traumatic memories. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) teaches emotional regulation techniques, empowering you to navigate intense emotions with resilience.

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Navigating relationships with narcissists can be a challenging journey, but understanding their behavior is a crucial step to protect yourself. By recognizing the signs of narcissistic control and learning strategies to regain your personal power, you can break free from their grip. Remember, it's not your job to fix or change a narcissist; your primary responsibility is to take care of yourself.

Healing from narcissistic abuse takes time and patience. It's okay to seek help from professionals or support groups to process your experiences. As you move forward, focus on rebuilding your self-esteem and setting healthy boundaries. By doing so, you'll be better equipped to foster healthier relationships and create a life that aligns with your values and needs.


1. What are the signs that a narcissist is manipulating you?
A key indicator that a narcissist is manipulating you is their need to control you. Warning signs include feeling coerced into doing things and constantly feeling like you can't meet their expectations, making you feel inadequate or tricked.

2. What happens when a narcissist loses control over you?
When a narcissist feels they are losing control over you, they may exhibit extreme anger, known as narcissistic rage. This can lead to aggressive outbursts as they try to regain control, often using intimidation and force.

3. Why do narcissists feel the need to control others?
Narcissists often seek control due to underlying feelings of powerlessness and inadequacy stemming from neglect or lack of support during their upbringing. They compensate for these feelings by developing an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

4. How can you effectively deal with a narcissist's need for control?
To effectively counteract a narcissist's manipulative behavior, consider these steps: distance yourself from the narcissist, allow yourself time to heal, acknowledge your role in any conflicts, respond with empathy and respect, stay calm and detached, avoid engaging in their manipulative tactics, establish and maintain firm boundaries, and keep your personal goals and intentions private.

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