About Me...

I envision a world where every woman, having faced adversity, emerges not just stronger and wiser but empowered to embrace her authentic self. By fostering a community of resilience and mutual support, I aim to transform pain into power, helping women not just survive but thrive.

Having a Positive Impact on Our Children's Education

As a former school finance administrator, I have found that positively impacting our children's education has been fulfilling. Contrary to the stereotypical view of finance professionals as strict and limiting, I have always embraced a more creative approach. My catchphrase, "You can have anything you want; you just can't have everything you want," reflects my ability to find innovative solutions within budgetary constraints.

Challenging the Notion

I take great pride in challenging the notion that 'numbers' people lack creativity. In my experience, creativity is not just a desirable trait but an essential one for success in finance. By thinking outside the box and leveraging my analytical skills, I have consistently found ways to maximize resources and optimize outcomes, proving that finance is not just about numbers but about creative problem-solving.

Finding Meaning and Purpose

Throughout my journey of healing from long-term narcissistic abuse, I embarked on a quest to find meaning and purpose once again. During this transformative time, I stumbled upon Pinterest, and to my surprise, my brain started tingling with excitement. As a survivor of narcissistic abuse, I began to see the value in sharing my story and connecting with others who were overcoming similar challenges.

 Igniting Sparks of Inspiration

Sparks of inspiration ignited a newfound hope that I believed was forever lost. Determined to immerse myself in this new world, I spent countless hours watching videos, reading blogs, and absorbing every bit of knowledge I could find. A single word resonated in my mind during this exploration—"flare," symbolizing my renewed sense of purpose.

The 'Flare Your Everywhere' Initiative

Motivated by a deep-seated desire to live an authentic life, I developed the 'Flare Your Everywhere' initiative. This idea quickly became the driving force behind a transformative phase in my life. I recognized the opportunity to assist others in turning pain into purpose, sparking their flames of creativity, and pursuing a life of fulfillment. The 'Flare Your Everywhere' initiative has the potential to transform lives, and I invite you to be a part of it.

I warmly invite you to join my adventure. Let's connect with others and ourselves as we collectively strive to Flare Your Everywhere! Your participation will not only enrich our community but also bring you closer to your own transformative journey.

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